Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you… (Psalm 63:3)

  • Let's start a conversation...

    Every Wednesday night, there is an opportunity for Prosperity Church and our surrounding community to meet and discuss topics submitted by the people. Ranging from the use of social media to specific interpretations of parts of the Bible, these topics have proven excellent growth points for all of us! We would encourage you to utilize these topic handouts to devote yourself to God.

  • Letters from a pastor...

    In years past, our pastor wrote for a local church’s publication. Titled Postscripts, Jeremiah wrote a one page devotional/article weekly for 5 years. Here are some selections from this publication! As it should be, sometimes these will be more personal towards that local congregation. This pastoral intent, though “sealed in time,” can prove quite devotional as we consider our present day.

  • Covid Didn't Stop Devotion!

    Covid stopped many things, but it didn’t stop your pastor from writing devotionals for you! And as is always true, God’s Word stands the test of time. These devotions from the “dark ages” now see the light of day again! Ranging from a verse by verse walkthrough of Genesis chapters 1-3 to cult classics like “Fuzzy Jammies In Summer,” there is much here to help devote yourself to God in his Word!